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Thomas Patterson (Author)
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We the People by Thomas Patterson is a concise approach to American Government, emphasizing critical thinking through relevant examples that appeal to today’s students. This extremely readable program provides opportunities to engage with the political process through tools that help students learn how to think about politics, utilizing digital resources that connect students with the material in a highly personalized way.
**Available exclusively through McGraw-Hill Create®, The Comparative Governance Collection, edited by Paulette Kurzer, is an online collection that provides students with the conceptual tools necessary to develop an understanding of some of the world’s most diverse political structures and practices. Go to http://create.mheducation.com/compgov/ to browse and select your content.
Product details
Publisher : McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 13th edition (December 25, 2018)
Publication date : December 25, 2018
Language : English
File size : 69763 KB
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