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Glenn P. Gravlee MD (Author), Richard F. Davis MD (Author), John Hammon MD (Author), Barry Kussman MBBCh FFA (SA)
ISBN-10 1451193610
ISBN-13 978-1451193619
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Offering a unique, multidisciplinary approach to the complexities of CPB, the 4th Edition of Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Mechanical Support: Principles & Practice remains the gold standard in the field. This edition brings you fully up to date with every aspects of cardiopulmonary bypass, including new information on management of pediatric patients, CPB’s role with minimally invasive and robotic cardiac surgery, mechanical circulatory support, miniaturized circuits and CPB, sickle cell disease and CPB management, and much more. A newly expanded title reflects the rapidly evolving nature of extracorporeal technology, encompassing both short-term and long-term forms of cardiac and pulmonary support. Key Features
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